the cyclist is having great fun althought the weathtear is a bit hot,
starting for preparation.
Waiting for ride.
Guess who am i.
Let the fun begin.
Twin brother.
Ah chong.
Iron leg
Lee san fok very excited untill he
poin he big tongue after the trip start
One of the good rider ah ping.
Teng is a good actor ride in the center to allow me
kit is using the road bike climdbing up hill.
I was so hot and tire.
Mr chung boss of H & C bike shop.
Our scout and media driver mr bernet.
See my big funny face .
come on let's ride
Kung fu kid or ah hou
This is my best shoot of the day.
Don't run so fast, i need the water.
Kung ku lo he is the one who most enjoy
people for this who trip riding he own mofidy
mama charlie with big basket in front.
Mr jimmy struggle climbing up hill with he kona
bike but very enjoy himself.
Mr lai kon wai san
Attacking each other
Too bad i am the second
Ya we make it the we are the winner.
Come on man we still have we still some more
hill to climb
I am a lonely driver.
Ya i finally make it to the end, WOW i was so
ketua kampung mr teng
I am the most tire one dont disturd me now.
the end.
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