ON end of july once again the land rover team in sandakan is organise another trip, this time destination is " imbak canyon and maliau basin " forest conservation centre, although this time the road is not so tough becouse of the dry season, but this time the road consider the most dengerous compare to the last time convoy. the road got a lot dust due to the dry season, also the place we going need to past by the logging road becouse of the poor visibilty for safety all car need to keep there distance also need to be extra careful of the of the logging truck, but is pay back when we enter this two beauty conservati0n area. here are the some picture enjoy.

On the road again

Dusty road

The beauty of imbak water fall

Imbak river

upper view of Imbak river

The maliau basin

RIver in the maliau basin

maliau conservation tower
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